How to make more Twitter Followers?
Posted by T ZAMAN in Downloads, Important Tools, TWITTER
If you win to make more followers in Twitter, then its true that you have achieved something appreciable. After creating Twitter Account,one should try to market their twitter account by making more followers, publishing new interesting tweets etc. I will explain one by one.
Things to remember while making more followers in Twitter:
1. Publish nice interesting Tweets in Twitter frequently,at least two times a day.Never keep your Twitter Account dead or inactive.
2. Always remember to give a reply to those who Tweet direct to you using ‘Direct Messages’ in your account. Make Retweet as a habit. Always make productive conversations through Tweet and Direct messages. This will help to create a group of interacting people around your Twitter account.
3. Always try to make your profile more interesting, add photos in Tweets( I have mentioned down, how to add photos in tweets)
4. Never use automatic software like Viral tweets to make more followers. I am sure that such things can get many followers to you, but value followers those who have real interest in the subject of your blog, will be much less. You may succeed in making more number of followers but those who actually take interest in your tweets will be much less. You may not be able to pay much attention to your real followers who like to Tweet with you regularly. So always make sure to make real, value, Twitter followers for your account.
5. Don't forget to Follow those who are following you.
Use some tools I have mentioned here to get more followers
Free Twitter tools to make new Followers and more income
1. RevTwt , Click to know more,
Make handsome income with this. Very easy to signup and I have described about this in my post
2. Twitter Follower ( )
This is an excellent product from John Chow.( Now a days, this site under reconstruction) Just ‘Signup’. Don't forget to update your Twitter account Username and Password while every ‘Login’. After login, look to the list, find many twitter accounts that are listed with ‘Follow’ button. You can Follow the desired profile that matches your subjects of interest. The biggest advantage is that you are automatically followed when you follow anyone.
3. TwitterCounter ( )
Great twitter tool. Login using Twitter Account username and password once. You can see the performance of your Twitter Account for the last three months. You can Tweet the Follower count in Twitter automatically using this tool. Don’t forget to keep a ‘Twitter follower counter’ or remote Tweet counter ( you can see Remote Tweet Counter) in this blog). You can find more Twitter profiles related to your blog subject in this site.
4. Friend Or Follow ( )
This help you to check who is not following you after you follow them and you can also see who are your followers that you miss to follow them back.
5. TwitterFeed ( )
You can bring more traffic to your new blog posts by publishing it on your twitter, you can feed your twitter by your blog RSS.Twitterfeed can post directly to twitter,, custom laconica installations, and via HelloTxt or, simultaneously to the many platforms supported by these services
6. TweetLater ( )
TweetLater can help you to automate your Twitter tasks like following instantly your new followers or send DM (Direct Messages) thanking them for the follow or sending replies
Easy FORMULA to bring more Twitter followers
After participating these programs, don't forget to add your Twitter Account in your profiles of Blogcatalogue and MyBloglog or any other social networking programs. ( If you don't know how to add, just comment and ask us)
I will explain how these things will help you to Tweet your account easily and thereby keeping your account live.
Publish New Post in your Blog: -----------> Your Feed get updated with new article------------> Your TwitterFeed account updates this Feed------------------> TwitterFeed account will Tweet this Feed in your Twitter account-------------> This new tweet will be republished by Blogcatalogue, Mybloglog to your friends in those networks.
So all your friends in your network will get updated with your new post, Nice,isnt it?