Installation of ClipShare 4.1
Posted by T ZAMAN in PHP scripts
Installation and Configuration Instructions:
- Extract the distribution zip file containing the script.
- Create a new MySQL database for ClipShare and import the dump file /sql/clipshare.sql using PHPMyAdmin. This will create and populate all DB tables.
- Open /upload/cgi-bin/ using any text editor and edit the following variable:
my $TEMP_DIR = '/home/user/public_html/tmp/uploader/';
This is the full path to where the /tmp/uploader/ folder will be located on the server. Keep ending slash.
- Open /upload/include/config.local.php using any text editor and edit the following variables:
$config['site_name'] = 'My Site';
Your web site name.
$config['BASE_URL'] = '';
This is the URL where the script is installed. No ending slash.
$DBTYPE = 'mysql';
Database type, no need to change.
$DBHOST = 'localhost';
Database host or IP, in most cases "localhost"
$DBUSER = 'database_user';
Database user. Please make sure that this database user has FULL permissions over the ClipShare database.
$DBPASSWORD = 'password';
The password of the above database user.
$DBNAME = 'database_name';
Database name used for ClipShare.
- Optional: Edit /upload/include/language.php to remove / add language files.
- Upload all files and folders inside the /upload folder in the root directory or a subdirectory on your server, by FTP, in BINARY mode.
- Set write permissions (chmod 777) to the following folders:
- Set execute permissions (chmod 755) to /cgi-bin and /cgi-bin/
- Access your ClipShare Administration Panel at: (Default admin user: admin and password: admin)
- Change the admin user / password !!
- Change the site name, email, meta keywords, description, etc
- Optional: change different settings
- Create channels
- Add your advertising
- You can check if all requirements and configurations are met on the "System Check" page
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