Just Launched - Huge Monthly Commissions
Posted by T ZAMAN in Affiliate Marketing
We have just launched a new Traffic Exchange. It would be great to have you onboard. We offer monthly and yearly commissions on upgraded referrals plus commissions on credit purchases. Our Top Promoters have already earned several hundred dollars in the first launch week. Make sure you signup here and let your subscribers know about this amazing program.
Important Anouncement
We will have to do several changes at the AutoPilotCashStreams website that will happen within the next 48 hours. Unfortunately we had a little issue with PayPal (like many big marketers) and they limited Guidos account until we remove the paypal buttons from 2 of his websites.
Well, the AutoPilotCashStreams website is one of them... for some reason PayPal does not like our concept of automated income. There is nothing we can do against this... PayPal says something and you gotta do it...
But no worries, all we need to do is make some minor changes to our concept... and we will do it in a way that will benefit you.
Cange 1
The offers that our upgraded contributors can add to the website will need to be changed a little bit. Instead of adding our paypal button to these, you will have to insert links in these pages that lead to your sales page. This means you will get 100% commission from these sales. It also means that you can add any kind of pre-sale page (please no MLM or other crazy stuff)... for example you could add a pre-sale page for a clickbank product or a pre-sale page for a membership site... whatever you can think of. The links in those offer pages need to carry the attribute target="_blank" so that they open in a new window.
Change 2:
The offer for upgrading members accounts will stay there but we will do these totally different. Basically we will offer an upgraded account as a bonus for purchasing a clickbank product. People can choose from different products and then give us their payment confirmation through our support center.
That is all... 2 little changes. You will still receive $13 for each upgraded member or contributor.
Oh, for those of you who worry about paying out commissions... We have half of the money in Reeds account which is still active and we will pay out all commissions on August 15th.
Alright, so let us get to work and get these little changes done. We would like to ask all upgraded contributors to add a link at the end of their offer pages... the link should go to Your sales page or membership signup page, or clickbank sales page etc. Make sure that the link opens in a new window. You can do that by adding target="_blank" into your link code.
Guido Nussbaum & Reed Floren
Contributor Referral Contest Results
The Pre-Launch was awesome and we want to thank all contributors for putting so much time and effort into promoting the AutoPilotCashStreams website. We have grown much faster than expected and with more than 5000 activated contributors and 600+ submitted gifts, this has grown to the biggest Giveaway Event that has ever happened.
Our Top Contributors are just awesome and they have well earned their Content prizes... see below.
Pos. 1: $500 - Michael Badger with 579 confirmed signups
Pos. 2: $300 - Todd Gross with 389 confirmed signups
Pos. 3: $100 - Paul Kinder with 348 confirmed signups
Pos. 4: $50 - Derrick VanDyke with 300 confirmed signups
Pos. 5: $25 - Corey Lewis with 168 confirmed signups
Pos. 6: $25 - Mike Mazzella with 145 confirmed signups
Congratulations! You guys rock!
Guido Nussbaum & Reed Floren
Huge Contributor Signup Contest
We have decided to start this huge contributor signup contest. The page is converting very well for contributor upgrades... currently at above 20%. So it is only common sense to put all our effort into promoting this site. Remember, you make on-going cash from the products that we promote to your signups... plus the upgrade commission... plus the commission for rotating offer sales... plus the extra signups that you get through your list...
The contest is huge... we give away $1000 in cash!
Everything is based on the positioning on the Leader Board. Reed and Guido do not count for this contest even though they appear on the Leader Board. The contest started with Pre-Launch and ends when we launch on August 1-st.
Pos. 1: $500
Pos. 2: $300
Pos. 3: $100
Pos. 4: $50
Pos. 5: $25
Pos. 6: $25